Monday, 7 December 2009

Cushion Cut Engagement Rings

Keeping in with the antique theme this blog has had going for the last couple of weeks, this article will look at the cushion cut which fashions the diamond in an overstuffed cushion. This cut, offers an aesthetically pleasing alternative to other popular cuts such as the princess, emerald or oval cuts. However, it still incorporates the main elements of these other cuts into it. It's entirely up to personal preference, as well, if you choose to get the stone cut in rectangular or square proportions. As the shape is still considered quite rare in modern jewellery, cushion cuts work well as solitaires, that draw the eye in to the central gemstone. However, many women will choose to add on some additional accentuating patterns or stones, that compliment the cushion cut. Possibly the most prominent design when it comes to choosing cushion cut engagement rings, is when the cushion cut gemstone is set in a four pronged arrangement. Nonetheless, older rings may use up to eight prongs, but more than this or other settings are not recommended because they generally detract from the overall design of the ring.