The perfect place to find your ideal palladium engagement rings. This site compiles all the best information on the internet and shows you where you can get the best deals online, buy with confidence and surprise your loved one with the perfect engagement ring.
Monday, 7 December 2009
Cushion Cut Engagement Rings
Sunday, 29 November 2009
Diamond Solitaire Scalloped Setting
For those unfamiliar with scalloped settings, they take their inspiration from nature and in particular seashells, as they often have a rough undulating pattern with a series of curves or ridges that make a very unusual and interesting pattern. These kinds of engagement rings are popular for perhaps exotic engagements such as Hawaiian engagements. The beauty of scalloped engagement rings, is that it gives couples the chance to just focus on one exquisite gemstone, i.e. diamond, and concentrate on the weight and by choosing a scalloped setting it focuses on the display of this gemstone at its most radiant.
Finding diamond solitaire scalloped setting engagement rings may be harder than finding normal diamond solitaire rings, this is due to their rarity and one will probably have to go to a specialist jeweller's to find them or get them custom made. Older, antique rings may also use scallop settings, and one can invariably find these in pawn shops, auction houses and so forth. However, it's worth going to the effort of scouting these out as the final end product can be really astonishing!
Monday, 23 November 2009
How do you know when you've found the right engagement ring?
Wednesday, 11 November 2009
Natural vs Synthetic
It's always an idea, to do your research before buying, and this can involve reading some reviews online about the different kinds of palladium engagement rings, diamond engagement rings and natural birthstone rings. It will also involve getting out there and talking to some professional jewelers and see what they recommend. By doing this, you'll stand a better chance of getting it right first time.
Monday, 2 November 2009
Popping the question
The best way of finding out how to propose is to read how other people did it, and what worked for them. This way when you come to propose you'll be more confident in your approach knowing how to create a romantic mood, what to say and how to act...If you want to get it right first time, it's highly recommend you give it a read.
Monday, 26 October 2009
How to deal with pushy salesman
Wednesday, 21 October 2009
How to Buy An Engagement Ring
Monday, 19 October 2009
Budget limitations
Monday, 12 October 2009
Spam Blog comments
Monday, 5 October 2009
Wednesday, 30 September 2009
Beauty pageants and diamond tiaras
Picutred winner: Stefana Fernadez who gets a Manhattan apartment for a year, jewelery, clothes, an undisclosed monetary sum, and lots more. It's enough to make a guy consider a sex-change operation with all the perks offered!
Monday, 21 September 2009
Conflict diamonds
What this means today, for the average consumer is that they should be aware of the policies that jewelery companies have in relation to blood diamonds or conflict diamonds. People, should study websites, or any literature provided by their prospective companies and question where they are sourcing their diamonds. Has the companies' website got a statement relating to ethical buying/sourcing of their diamonds? Are they a reputable company. It's always worth doing some research before committing to buying a diamond engagement ring.
Monday, 14 September 2009
How much should i be prepared to spend?
Often the saying that people base their expenditure on is that the ring purchase value should be the equivalent of 2-3 months salary. But this to me seems quite nonsensical, as one man's wages is certainly not equal to another man's monthly salary. It's all very much dependent on your financial circumstances at the time of purchases.
There are people who can happily spend $3,000-$5,000 on a palladium or platinum engagement ring and not batter an eyelid. Then, again this large sum of money can seem out of the reach of many people, who are struggling just to pay the rent and electricity bills. If the latter is the case for you, then there's always the chance that you can get your ring on credit, just be careful to read the contract careful whichever company you choose to go with, and understand the risks and what you're entering into.
However, you may find that the ring you're looking at is somewhat less conventional, and thus has a lower price tag with it. Say an engaement ring under $1500. If this is the case, you need to think carefully about what your loved one will say to such a ring, if they are not materialistic then it's fine. But if he or she has always dreamed about something that sparkles then it may not be the best propositional ring for that person.
Whatever, kind of ring you decide upon, you should first determine your budget and if you're going down the route of financing the purchase make sure you get the best deal out there on the market. After you've found something suitable and at a good price, all you need to plan is where you're going to pop the question.
Wednesday, 9 September 2009
Are diamonds a girl's best friend?
But, there has been a growing movement in recent years away from diamonds, perhaps due to the controversy of 'blood diamonds' and people scrutinizing in closer details where the diamonds they are about to buy actually came from. This has given rise to the growing popularity of other gemstones such as topaz, emerald, tanzanite and birthstones. Who says the ring you present to your loved one has to be a diamond anyway? My mom for example, wears a birthstone ring. I think, sometimes a birthstone ring has a deeper sentiment resonating and really show a couple's true love for each other. Okay, I'm starting to get a bit sickened myself and what I'm writing. So back to diamonds. Aren't they just lovely?
Saturday, 29 August 2009
Certification and the four C's
Tuesday, 18 August 2009
It's all in the cut

There seems to be a growing expansion in the types of cuts you can now get for your engagement rings. New and imporoved cuts are increasing in popularity such as the marquise cut. Of course most people for palladium engagement rings still favour many traditional cuts such as the brilliant round cut or princess cut. It's very important you get the right cut for your ring. The marquise cut for example, creates a pointed shape which makes the gemstone appear larger. Whereas, something like a emerald cut will give the diamond or other gemstone a rectangular shape.
Monday, 3 August 2009
It's been a while.............
Look forward to hearing from you,
Sunday, 12 July 2009
Diamond and palladium engagement rings
-Ensure your ‘Bling-Bling’ jewellery is ethically sourced
Modern youth and rap culture have popularized diamond jewellery to such an extent the slang term ‘bling-bling’, often associated with such jewellery, has been incorporated in recent years to the Oxford English Dictionary. Western culture places added emphasis on material consumerism, as shown in the importance in selecting perfect diamond and palladium engagement rings. After all isn’t it a sign of success if you can display your financial assets in the form of diamond jewellery? Contemporary rap and hip-hop artists seem to sometimes take this to the extreme, exhibiting encrusted diamond encrusted teeth ‘Grillz’, diamond watches, rings, earrings and pendants. However, this has prompted closer inspection to the source of these diamonds. As many know some of the world’s diamonds today still come from areas of conflict such as Sierra Leone, where people die mining such diamonds hence the name ‘blood diamonds’. Diamonds from such areas are unethically sourced, and further encouragement of such sourcing can lead to further devastation in these areas.
Many people today have a growing consciousness of only purchasing ethically sourced diamonds, especially when choosing to buy diamond or palladium engagement rings. Many websites are aware of this and have made concerted efforts only to stock ethically sourced diamonds.
Sunday, 5 July 2009
Diamond, tanzanite and emerald palladium engagement rings
A brief look into some of the gemstones on offer and how to decide which one is right for you, as well as advice on where to look for these rings.
When the time comes for a man to show his commitment to marriage and buy a ring to signify this, most will only look at diamond rings. Whilst there is nothing inherently wrong per se with this, as after all, a lot of women will only be content with a diamond ring. There are other types of gemstones available and they can look equally scintillating. Many jewellers will offer the next best thing to pre-set and custom diamond palladium engagement rings, and these are rings which use different gemstones at the centre. My local jewellery store informs me that their best sellers are in fact non-diamond rings. Very popular at the moment are tanzanite, topaz and emerald rings for engagement jewellery. This proves that the ring doesn’t always have to be diamond based. Perhaps why so many, do still go for diamond rings is that it’s slightly easier to distinguish a good quality diamond from a poor one. A lot of people will not even rely on certification to show them this, but use their untrained eye to see if the diamond sparkles or not in the light. Any gemmologist knows that this is not the correct way to ascertain a diamond’s quality. Instead the four C’s should be examined carefully. These are: colour, the cut of the diamond, the carat weight and finally the clarity of the diamond. It’s also very advisable to enlist the help of a certified gemmologist if you are buying say a topaz ring. Getting certification is also a very good idea if you have to, at any point, get your ring polished or cleaned. It will deter anyone from trying to dupe you and with palladium engagement rings- it’s definitely something to watch out for. Someone can easily swap the gemstone with anything else of lesser quality. That said, if you are getting a custom made ring you can ask your jeweller to cut the gemstone in a fashion that will give it the appearance of being bigger than it actually is. This from a cost point is highly effective as well, as chances are it will save you money as buying a pre-set is usually more expensive. Once you’ve decided upon what type of gemstone to select and whether to go for a custom made or pre-set ring, all that remains now is where to look for the ring. It’s advisable to start off by doing some browsing at a high street jewellers and if you can get to the main jewellery quarters in London or Birmingham, then you will be bound to find something of interest. But be aware some jewellers are fastidious in the sense of booking an appointment before you arrive.
Saturday, 27 June 2009
Palladium engagement rings-Choosing the right diamond cut
For many the diamond ring is still the preferred choice when it comes to selecting a ring for your loved one. Although, this can hurt your wallet such purchases only come around once in a lifetime so it’s important to get it right for both yourself and your partner. Perhaps the most important categorization when it comes to selecting palladium engagement rings is the four C’s: colour, cut, clarity and carat. But, for the purposes of this article the importance of selecting the right cut will be discussed.
The actual art of cutting a diamond is a very skilled one, dating back to the skilled jewelers in Belgium over 500 years ago. It involved cutting the stones into smaller ones, with the aim of reflecting the light out as evenly as possible. If this is not done well, it will give the end result of the stone looking dull and lacking the sparkle or fire that a stone cut to unique precision has. There are various grades of cuts, and most online jewelers will ensure they offer the best cuts to their clientele. Finally whatever cut you decide to go for, be it a rose, princess or perhaps emerald cut, and make sure you buy from a reputable diamond dealer. Also, ensure the diamond ring you purchase comes complete with a certificate of authentication.
Wednesday, 17 June 2009
The superiority of palladium palladium engagement rings
Friday, 12 June 2009
Modern day palladium engagement rings
The growth of e-commerce over the past decade has meant a variety of websites have spawned all over the place offering seemingly fantastic deals on jewellery and in particular rings to signify one’s intention to marry. However such methods of purchasing may be in stark contrast to the past, where the only way of shopping for such rings was to visit your local jewellery retailer. Now one can sometimes get closer to the source of the gemstones, and through the internet buy from where the gemstones for palladium engagement rings, are being dug up. Hence, reducing the need for a middle man. However, if this path is taken you may not be completely protected in your purchase and with some unscrupulous retailers out there it’s a risk that not many will be willing to take. Far better, is to look at the shopping options you have closer to home, of which there are many. For starters, you can still visit your local jeweller’s to get an idea on the latest styles and colours used in such rings. This may be enough for some to make their purchase there and then, as many retail stores have been going for years and years and offer their unquestionable experience and expertise. Also, the fact that it’s a local retailer, gives some people piece of mind that if their partner doesn’t like the selected item they can always return it and exchange it for something else. However, one cannot deny the increasing trend of people making their purchases over the net. It’s with this that one has to be very selective and careful when they are looking for choosing an online retailer. It’s wise to ensure they are accredited, have some sort of returns policy and their palladium engagement rings come with a buying certification (or it’s at least offered). This is very important, especially if the ring you are buying is a diamond one. Of course the great thing about buying on the net is the ease of doing such and the convenience, but make sure your chosen online retailer is part of a professional body such as the British Jewellers’ Association. It can be difficult to visualise what your ring will look like, as the pictures displayed can sometimes give you a limited view. So if this is the case, it’s well worth seeing if the online retailer has any stores near you and if not seeing if a local jewellers’ has the ring, so a price comparison can be made. In fact this is a common mistake people make, not using both options of a high street and an online retail store to reach a decision. Many just go for one or the other. In terms of price, it’s often commented that typically you should look at spending anywhere from one to three months’ salary for a quality ring. However, don’t despair if the initial price tags are way over budget, as many places (both online and in the stores) will offer great financing packages to suit your needs. All this means there’s never been a better time to purchase modern day palladium engagement rings, be it on the net or at a store.
Thursday, 11 June 2009
How to choose the metals for engagement rings?
The secret of buying the right palladium engagement rings
It’s no secret that buying a ring that will signify a man’s endless devotion for his future wife is no easy task. First off, there are her personal tastes and preferences to account for. After all, it’s no use buying something that she will detest, as it could even elicit a ‘no’ response to a proposal of marriage. Also to consider is the matter of style and design, as no woman wants to wear a ring that looks tacky and cheap. In addition there’s the centre piece gemstone to consider, with most people having a strong preference towards diamonds for palladium engagement rings. If the latter is chosen, then more often than not, the band of the ring will be of high quality- usually yellow or white gold is the standard. However, platinum and palladium bands are becoming more popular. Furthermore if a preset ring does not appeal to one’s tastes, you can always take comfort in knowing that a custom made ring can be manufactured by your chosen jewellery retailer. If this route is taken, it’s still worth bearing in mind your future spouse’s taste in jewellery, which can easily be obtained by having a look at their existing collection. Also, be sure to find out how much any revisions to the design will cost, and if possible get an itemized quotation for the bespoke ring. One thing that can be said for getting a bespoke ring made to a high quality finish is that it does show careful thought and consideration on your part and could result in a better reaction from your loved one.
Exceptional palladium engagement rings at affordable prices
A brief editorial on why such jewellery doesn’t always have to cost an arm and a leg and where to look for these rings
Whilst perusing through a jewellery catalogue the other day, I was amazed at the range of items they had and also at all the scintillating diamonds in unique settings at very reasonable prices. On most pages they had discounted red price tags and attractive credit options for people worried about having to borrow money from banks at extortionate interest rates. Also on offer were not just diamond rings, but also tanzanite, emerald and ruby rings. Of course the majority of people prefer the exquisite beauty of diamond rings. However, this is changing with the inclusion of other alternative gemstones as the centre piece. Many couples are selecting palladium engagement rings that have certain gemstone colours, i.e. will represent the ring bearer’s birthstone colour. A careful selection when it comes to ring designs as well as the appropriate birthstone may offer a more attractive proposition for your future spouse, as it portrays a deeper sentiment. It’s definitely worth considering if your partner is open to other rings, apart from diamonds, as well. However, if a diamond ring is the preferred choice, there are a few important tastes to take into consideration. Firstly one shouldn’t be too concerned with the size of the diamond, but more focused on the actual cut. How well does it hold the light? What kind of cut has been used and does it maximize the optical performance of the stone? If in doubt, always seek advice from a professional board member such as a member of the BJA.
Finding the right palladium engagement rings
A brief summarization on why it’s necessary to look at as many options as possible when buying such lavish jewellery
There comes a time in every person’s life when they decide to make the ultimate commitment in a relationship, and represent such commitment in a physical article- a ring for engagement. Traditionally, in most countries the man selects and pays for the ring. The woman will then wear the ring on the left-hand ring finger, in most countries but in others it will be worn on the right- hand. However nowadays the whole process is changing and it depends on the type of relationship the couple has, as to who does the buying and proposing. It may well be that the woman takes charge and proposes. Nowadays if this does happen and the woman buys palladium engagement rings, usually no social embarrassment is felt by the man. In fact quite the reverse might be felt. He may be relieved that the stress of both choosing the right ring and proposing has been taken away. Whether it’s a man or woman doing the proposing, one thing needs to be made certain: the right purchase has to be made. There are various ways to ensure this. One way is to do some preliminary research online, and this can be a great way of getting an idea on the grades of diamond or non-diamond rings. Another option you should look at is visiting your local jewellery store and asking to see a range of styles and designs: from traditional to contemporary. Finally, it’s worth keeping your eyes peeled on the home shopping channels as sometimes they can offer great value for money.
Quintessential palladium engagement rings
A brief delve into why these items of jewellery attract admiration and adoration from so many and make for timeless gifts
The undisputable inherent beauty of rings for engagement can justify their sometimes hefty price tags. Immediately most people will associate such rings with lavish diamond ones, but this doesn’t always have to be the case. There are so many more alternatives out there waiting for the discerning buyer. Of course a diamond ring is often preferred by most people, because of the prestige attached to it. But, slowly the jewellery market is moving in favour of other gemstones such as emeralds or topaz. It can be difficult to ascertain the quality of such newcomers to the market. So if you are unsure, it’s always best to seek out expert advice. One should also bear in mind with palladium engagement rings, and deciding upon a gemstone, is their partner and personal tastes in jewellery. Sometimes, choosing the right gemstone for your partner can really be a deal breaker. Especially if a diamond ring has always been hoped and wished for. It’s always very advisable to keep abreast of the latest fashions and trends in the modern jewellery market, as well as taking inspiration from more traditional rings. This can be easily achieved by paying a visit to the renowned jewellery hubs in England such as Hatton Gardens or the Birmingham Jewellery Quarter. Finally, it’s also worth mentioning to look out for money back guarantees, as if you don’t get the choice exactly right first time round such guarantees can definitely offer a saving grace.
Buying palladium engagement rings on the cheap
A brief review on why the economic downturn may not be such a hindrance for purchasing such elegant jewellery items
In today’s economic uncertain times, many people will be considering carefully if they can really afford to buy an engagement ring for their beloved. Typically such a ring would amount to several months’ wages for the majority of people, especially if a sparkling diamond ring is bought. In the past, even if people couldn’t afford such purchases immediately they could always take comfort in the fact the bank would loan them money to buy a ring. However with the banks being in the state they are today for many this isn’t a viable option anymore. However, this does not mean it’s completely hopeless even contemplating purchasing such palladium engagement rings. On the contrary, it’s still very achievable to get the perfect ring for your future spouse with the use of ‘buy now, pay later’ interest-free credit schemes. Many leading jewellery stores, both online and in the high street, are offering such schemes without the need to pay any money back until a year after the purchase. This certainly illustrates the versatility of the modern day jewellery sector, and even though we are in a recession people should not forfeit their happiness. However, if you do decide to go down this route always make sure you do some financial planning in advance and work out how exactly you are going to make the repayments. By doing this it certainly minimizes the risk of defaulting on any repayments. And finally, always make sure you read the small print in the terms and condition of any credit agreement you make with the jewellery retailer.
The eloquence of palladium engagement rings
There is nothing in this world as stunning as a sparkling diamond, contrasting against the sheen of metal. There are of course different grades of diamonds, and largely when it comes to these jewellery gifts, and in general you get what you pay for. The most auspicious and scintillating of diamonds are without a doubt the extremely rare pink diamonds. Sadly most of us can only dream about owning such diamonds, and most of the diamonds used today in modern jewellery are white diamonds-and when set in palladium engagement rings can be as equally dazzling. There are several important factors that constitute the quality of diamonds. However, any certified gemmologist will be able to ascertain, within minutes, the quality of the diamond. It’s for this reason alone, that if you are unsure about your diamond engagement ring you should ask for the necessary certification to accompany it with the purchase. It has been assumed, thus far, that your choice will be a diamond ring. But for many discerning buyers they may feel such a ring to be inappropriate for their spouse. In this case there are plenty of other options available. You may want to consider procuring a ring set with a different centrepiece gemstone such as topaz, emerald or tanzanite. What’s more is that you don’t have to go for traditional design; you may even want to produce your own and get your jeweller to manufacture a custom made ring. There are many pre-set rings that cater towards those with alternative tastes, such as medieval styled rings and Celtic rings. This would be a very fitting buy, if you are going to have a themed wedding. A range of styles of these palladium engagement rings can be found online and possibly at your local jewellery store. If you want to get a custom ring, it’s perhaps a good idea to get some inspiration for designs from wedding catalogues and magazines and also images from the net. Then take your design to your local jewellers’ to get it custom made. Also, enquire if there will be additional charges for any revisions that need to be made. However, if you are going down the other route of a pre-set ring, then be sure not to rush into a purchase without carefully considering if this jewellery item is what your spouse would like to receive. Therefore, it might be an idea to do some preliminary research into your other half’s taste in jewellery by having a look through their existing collection. Or better still; take a close friend or family member along with you to help you decide. You should also set aside a budget and try to stick to that. They say typically the ring should be equivalent to 2 or even 3 months salary. However, you may find prices to be somewhat lower than this figure, especially if you’re buying online. If you are feeling the pinch of the economic downturn, then there are still attractive financing options out there, for palladium engagement rings. Be sure to read the fine print, though.